The last few months I have been getting involved in the crypto currency community. More specific the Burst Community. This paper could not have been possible without the help of two people in general. Crowetic and Lexicon. Lexicon has provided hours ...
Ever want to build a shell army? What about Endpoint Security? What about Anti-malware? Are these really as effective as the user believes? Let’s explore this topic… There is no product on the market that will 100% protect you from ...
So like I, many of you are returning to your real world jobs after a hard weekend of “con life”. As we settle back into our work weeks many of us will take the time to reflect on our experiences. ...
Recently I had the chance to deploy a Cuckoo Sandbox System… OMG! This was a pure tale of madness. While in the end I won, the journey was filled with peril… Much Peril… Forget it… It’s too perilous… While I ...
What is OpSec? For normal people we can define it like this: basically you need to not leave about bits of information that can be traced back to you, or be put together like a puzzle to form a bigger ...
The last few months I have been getting involved in the crypto currency community. More specific the Burst Community. This paper could not have been possible without the help of two ...